Since the Rules Change there has been much discussion concerning flagstick ball deflection. The majority of our users seem to have dealt with it by allowing the player to pull the pin if they feel deflection is a disadvantage.
We have been working with a few clubs to develop a wooden flagstick with low ball deflection. Deflection is a simple matter of flagstick weight and flexibility. The verdict is not yet in as none of these have been in service for an entire season. Depending on the wind at your location, we recommend using the shortest possible flagstick. It further reduces the weight, and reduces the stress on the flagstick.
Weight of Cheesebrough “morey” brand wooden flagsticks
Our Standard Flagsticks
3.0 lbs. Stout – Exotic hardwood – 1/2” fiberglass rod top and bottom – Wooden body is 1 1/8” with solid brass end caps
2.72 lbs. Stout – Domestic hardwood – 1/2” fiberglass rod top and bottom – Wooden body is 1 1/8” with solid brass end caps
1.90 lbs. Perennial – Our most popular flagstick – Domestic hardwood – 1/2” fiberglass rod base – Wooden body is ¾” at the bottom, 1” mid-section, 9/16” at top.
Our Low Deflection “Flex” Flagsticks
1.65 lbs. Perennial Flex – Domestic hardwood – 1/2″ fiberglass rod base -Wooden body is 3/4″ at bottom, with a thicker middle and tapering to 9/16″ at top.
1.35 lbs. Slim Stick Flex – Domestic hardwood – 1/2” fiberglass rod top and bottom – Wooden body is ¾” with solid brass end caps.